C5 COVID-19 Precautions
C5 Cleaning Solutions cares about how COVID-19 impacts your home and business. Our company has invested in critical training on prevention, response and control measures. Your health and safety is our number one priority. At C5 Cleaning Solutions, we clean because we care.
Personal protective equipment is always worn.
Use EPA registered disinfectants.
Practice specific cleaning practices such as mopping with microfiber mop pads to aid in the 99% reduction of bacteria & color coded cloths to prevent contamination.
All homes and businesses are cleaned with new, laundered cloths & pads.
Surface Cleaning
Clean high touch areas using detergent.
ULV Cold Electric Sprayer Surface Disinfecting
Performed using the ULV sprayer with an appropriate product for surfaces that meet the EPA criteria.
Antimicrobial Application
Performed using an antimicrobial solute to form an invisible barrier to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Disinfecting services do not prevent person to person transmission of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Please follow all CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines to protect yourself & your family:
Wash your hands often with soap & water for 20 seconds.
Keep 6 feet between yourself & others.
Wear a face mask to cover your nose & mouth.
Cover coughs & sneezes.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched areas.
Monitor your health daily.